Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Effective Communication Seminars
“Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” -CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning)
SEL is an essential set of life skills fundamental to personal growth and getting along within families, workspaces and communities. SEL curriculums have been utilized with youth and adults in settings including: community service organizations, schools, prisons, detention centers and more.
School based evidence on SEL from CASEL:
Improved academic achievement: 2011 study with 270,000 students, showed 11% improvement
Better behavior: Studies Show decreased dropout rates, school and classroom issues, drug use, teen pregnancy, mental health problems and criminal behavior.
Return on investment: For every dollar spent there was $11 return on investment
What we offer
Circle Up offers a customized Social-Emotional Learning workshops and classes: From a customizable 1/2 day - 2-day workshop to promote SEL and effective communication to a comprehensive 8-12 week SEL curriculum.
- Explore necessary elements of healthy relationships
- Learn practical tools for establishing and maintaining good relationships and restoring broken ones
- Learn ways to navigate conflict, while maximizing respect, understanding, accountability and connection
s.e.l.f. renewal
- develop their capacity to identify and manage their own emotions
- learn to recognize and understand others’ emotions
- learn a process for responsible decision-making
- gain tools for transforming conflict
- learn how to have a positive influence on others, through effective communication and empathy